Ease pain - Relieve strain - Heal effectively


Through the Body–Wise Soul–Wise Healing practice, Tineke Bak offers a range of modalities, aimed at (re)awakening and strengthening the human being’s inbuilt capacity for self-correction, healing and resolution. All these modalities are noted for their gentle effectiveness, non-invasive techniques, pain-free and safe application. They are therefore as suitable for the highly sensitive (e.g. infants or elderly people) as for regular everyday aches, strains and injuries.

sanddollar smallOrtho-Bionomy® addresses physical alignment issues and strains, neuro-muscular re-education and positional release of tension patterns.
Typical complaints: sore backs, necks, pelvis balance, knee strains, shoulder pain, RSI, and cranial stress causing headaches, hearing/sight dysfunctions, etc.

Children with integration difficulties or birth traumas (e.g. auditory/visual/kinesthetic processing disorders, ADD and ADHD, learning difficulties like dyslexia, and Asperger’s) often benefit from Ortho-Bionomy structural and cranial balancing as part of their remedial education programme.

Jin Shin Jyutsu KanjiJin Shin Jyutsu® addresses both acute and chronic energy imbalances in a similar way to Shiatsu or Acupuncture.
Typical complaints: digestion and elimination, hormonal imbalances, asthma, chronic/constitutional weaknesses, detox needs, sleep disorders, nervous tension, SAD, exhaustion, integration dysfunctions, etc.

EFT-BirdEmotional Freedom Techniques™ (EFT) address both simple and complex mental and emotional patterns underlying stubborn health issues.
Typical complaints: anxiety and panic disorders, phobias, addictive cravings, traumatic memories, insecurities, and self-sabotage, study stress.


Flower LogoFlower Essences address the soul’s inherent strengths and capacities by stimulating these, resulting in better, smoother integration, supporting growth and change, settling the nervous system and stabilizing emotional needs.

Healing Vision

We are wisely designed with an ability to resolve, heal and grow. Body wisdom self-corrects, re-educates and integrates damaging patterns caused by habit, stress or injury. Soul wisdom brings integration of life, experience, growth and dissolving dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs as well as emotional injuries and scars. We are intelligent beings capable of supporting our own well-being, and learning simple and effective techniques to apply safely – with ourselves, our friends and family.

All sessions by appointment only.

Click here to contact Tineke Bak and  check out her practice hours here.

Click here to download a printable Practice Brochure in pdf format

Creative power of the entire Universe is within us.

Mary Burmeister,
“What Mary Says,…” pg 26


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