Bach Flowers and Chronic Conditions

The Bach Flower Remedies are readily available at local health food stores, and the Rescue Remedy mix is often sold at chemists and pharmacies as well. These gentle remedies work by boosting the positive message of the flower’s natural gesture or signature in our own being. Each flower has a gift, or a strength. And the flower is the plant’s equivalent of the expression of ‘soul’. The flower remedies strengthen and harmonise our souls to deal with the challenges life offers. The Bach Flowers are particularly gentle, and are safe to use with children and animals as well.

  1. Rock Water
  2. Gentian
  3. Gorse
  4. Olive
  5. Wild Rose
  6. Chestnut Bud

This series of tips will be on some of the Bach Flowers and how they support us when we are having to deal with chronic conditions – and where relevant I will relate them also to Jin Shin Jyutsu holds as these two modalities support one another very well.

1. Rock Water

This essence is not even a flower, it is made from fresh flowing spring water. But it is an essence that is particularly useful for beginnings. It helps beginnings, flow, movement, releasing old patterns. This essence can be helpful to include or precede a series of flower essence treatments as it helps the soul open to change, and supports the life forces in letting go old habits and patterns. It is therefore also useful to include when chronic issues are not easily improving or moving on, and is gentle enough to take for long periods of time. Anything in the soul that tends to fixation, such as compulsions, perfectionism, and so on, can benefit from including regular doses of Rock Water Essence.

In Jin Shin Jyutsu terms it is similar to holding the inside of the knees, or the quickie of holding your thumbs.

2. Gentian

This essence is to give the courage and encouragement to continue, to persevere and to not give up even when the going gets tough or when doubts set in because it takes a while to measure slow progress. Chronic conditions usually require long term treatments and also long exposure to stress. Gentian helps us to recover motivation, positivity, and strength. It also supports our will power, and the sacral chakra. It can also support digestion when this is weakened over long periods of strain. It can also help children focus and encourage them to complete tasks, when they are inclined to give up at the first obstacle.

In Jin Shin Jyutsu terms it is similar to holding the middle fingers and the big toes.

3. Gorse

Sometimes when we have been ill for a long time we inwardly give up the possibility that things can ever improve. Gorse flower essence helps us in this extreme to recover a sense of hope. It is important for recovery to have a sense that it is possible to improve and heal, and for the depression that comes with hopelessness, this essence can be very helpful. It helps restore a sense of deep-seated belief in life and in ourselves, our capacities to overcome the darkness within. This essence rekindles an inward connection and light in times of darkness and is often described as ‘the light at the end of the tunnel’.

In Jin Shin Jyutsu terms it corresponds to the whole main central vertical harmonising flow, and to the centre of the palm – middle finger and palm together is a great combination.

4. Olive

Olive flower essence is helpful in restoring the depletion and loss of vitality that often accompanies long term stress and chronic conditions. When we are so exhausted that daily life holds little or no joy anymore, Olive can restore a sense of connection to the greater, all encompassing store of life all around, so that we feel replenished and supported by Life itself. This makes Olive flower essence helpful to take in cases of burnout, chronic fatigue, and other auto-immune disorders. Its gentle support can be combined with any of the above remedies and taken for as long as needed.

In Jin Shin Jyutsu terms, Olive flower essence is also similar to the main central vertical flow, and the centre of the palm – and the centre of the sole of the foot as well. Any of the immune support sequences are helpful to use together with Olive flower essence.

5. Wild Rose

The Wild Rose flower essence is a particularly gentle and yet powerful remedy. It is similar in subtlety to Olive. Wild Rose helps supports us in restoring vitality and connection through interest and enthusiasm in life. If we have been incapacitated or stressed for a long time, are depleted and disconnected, Wild Rose can help us recover joy and a sense of purposeful living, when daily life has become a grind. It can be useful to take for some time when our immune systems are struggling and we cannot throw off a recurring stream of coughs and colds or stomach bugs. (Note: Flower Essences should never replace appropriate medical care, but can complement and support most medical treatments.)

Like Olive, Wild Rose flower essence in Jin Shin Jyutsu terms, is similar to the main central vertical flow, and the centre of the palm – and the centre of the sole of the foot as well. In addition, holding the ring finger helps dispell the hold of negativity and open the mind to increased healthy, positive interest in life.

6. Chestnut Bud

Chestnut Bud helps our system to retain the ‘lessons’ of any therapies, bodywork, or improvements we might experience. This can be helpful when our body has little energy to process change, even change for the better.

In Jin Shin Jyutsu terms, this aspect of Chestnut Bud flower essence can be gained by supporting the Spleen Flow / Anterior Ascending Flow, or holding the thumbs and little fingers.


The information provided is intended to complement, not replace, the advice of your own physician or other healthcare professional, whom you should always consult about your individual needs and any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention and before starting or stopping any medication or starting any course of treatment, exercise regimen, or diet. 

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