
Ortho-Bionomy® Pages

These pages contain excellent descriptions of Ortho-Bionomy®, its history and development, classes & training, and both sites have a FAQs page.

Ortho-Bionomy® Australia

Society of Ortho-Bionomy® International

Advanced Instructor Bruce Stark, has his own website, giving information about his training courses in Sydney and New Zealand.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® Pages

This is the U.S. based online home of Jin Shin Jyutsu® and contains information about international classes, including Australia and NZ, history and training.

Jin Shin Jyutsu® Inc.

There is also an extensive self help blog maintained by Astrid Kaufman

Emotional Freedom Techniques Pages

Gary Craig, the developer of the EFT form of meridian-psychology techniques, has announced his retirement this year (2010) and his site has closed down. Much of its content, including the newsletter has been shifted to a new site location. EFT Universe contains a wealth of information, including free downloads of Gary’s course manual, many tutorials, and FAQs, as well as a regular email newsletter put together by David Mackay (even the old archives have been transferred).

EFT Universe

Flower Essences

The Bach Flowers are now readily available at health food stores, even some chemists – the Martin & Pleasance site below gives descriptions of each of the 38 essences.

Bach Flowers

The Perelandra site is the homepage of the developers of the remarkable Perelandra essences. Australian distribution information can be obtained by emailing Rainbows and Bridges at:

Perelandra Inc.

And the FES essences are distributed here in Australia by Oborne Health Supplies.

Flower Essence Society (California)

Learning and Integration

Margaret Harley runs a practice in Eltham, Melbourne (Victoria) for children with integration difficulties, and also offers training courses in this highly valuable field.

Learn Easily

Make a choice to change your focus. change your focus from fear to fun. Changing focus changes black clouds to sunshine.

Mary Burmeister, from “What Mary Says, …”


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