Flower Essences for Support and Integration

Flower LogoFlower Essences are a natural, safe remedy to support body and soul. Dr Edward Bach developed his 38 remedies (in the 1930’s) to alleviate and harmonise many basic, common stresses of the soul, and their detrimental effects on our overall health. Since then many people have developed more flower essence remedies using his and similar methods.

Flower Essences are essentially a vibrational medicine and so are very gentle and can be taken by anyone, and will not interfere with herbal or allopathic medication.

Tineke currently uses the Bach Flowers, the Perelandra Garden, Rose, and Soul Ray sets, and selected FES essences.


  • Gentle resolution or release of emotional tension or inner conflict
  • Integration of body-soul-spirit connections
  • Integration of body-work and/or emotional-work changes and growth
  • Stabilisation of growth and development
  • Enhances inner support and strengths
  • Promotes self awareness

Follow this link for a recipe for making dosage bottles of Flower Essences/Rescue Remedy from the stock bottles you buy in health food stores and chemists.




We all know that in illness we have different moods from our usual self, and these moods are the guide to us as to the remedy we require.

Edward Bach, Collected Writings.


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